free pd series

4 Proven Steps to Teach Literary Analysis Like a Pro!

... the simple steps to ensure you have plenty of time to cover all of the standards, leave quick and meaningful feedback, and actually get your students engaged in your writing period!

Plus, grab FREE highly engaging writing lessons you can easily implement in your classroom!

free pd series

4 Proven Steps to Teach Literary Analysis Like a Pro!

... the simple steps to ensure you have plenty of time to cover all of the standards, leave quick and meaningful feedback, and actually get your students engaged in your writing period!

Plus, grab FREE highly engaging writing lessons you can easily implement in your classroom!


Led by Caitlin Mitchell & Jessica Cannata, Co-Founders of EB Academics, Co-Hosts of the Teaching Middle School ELA Podcast, and Co-Authors of the Amazon #1 Best-Selling book The Empowered ELA Teacher

how would it feel to . . .

Grab a reliable activity to kick-start your writing unit that is sure to motivate your students in their learning from the get-go.

Learn the magic of "Spiraling Your Writing Units," and how it can help you cover all of the standards  - even if you have a 42-minute class period.

Walk away with 4 proven pillars that actually work for helping your students master those tricky-to-teach writing standards.

Understand the simple steps for finally being able to leave meaningful feedback in less than 5 minutes! 
(No, seriously!!)

Let's be real ...

You already know teaching writing is tough.

And with all the planning and prepping and grading and searching online for writing lessons taking up your time, it’s virtually impossible to implement a consistent and effective writing curriculum that gets your students mastering the writing standards.

And if you’re like most of the middle school ELA teachers before they start working with us, then you probably feel frustrated and fed-up with the choppy and disorganized writing your students produce ... you likely even feel as though you’re drowning in piles of mediocre essays to grade each Sunday afternoon (already dreading the next essay you’re going to assign).

And, we get it. We’ve all been there.

The truth is ... you might have your students write consistently throughout the year, but do you ever teach them HOW to write?

We totally get it. You have a lot to teach during your ELA period and you never thought you’d be THAT teacher that only practiced writing that appeared on state testing. You thought your students would be the ones who loved writing and who impressed you with their clever evidence from the text and thoughtful analysis ... and it’s frustrating that they don’t.

The thing is ... if you don’t EXPLICITLY teach your students how to write using a framework that actually works, then they will continue to struggle and produce below-average writing.

Isn’t it time you started feeling confident about teaching writing?
here's what to expect from this pd event . . .

Register and choose the date of the Free Workshop you'd like to attend. There are a few dates to choose from - just pick one and then mark your calendar with that date! 

Then, join the exclusive Facebook Group where we will host three additional, short and powerful Zoom calls explaining exactly how to use the hand-picked, free writing lessons with your students!

Be a part of a remarkable community of Middle School ELA teachers to make connections, feel inspired, and put that *sparkle* into teaching.

Plus! When you join us, you'll have a chance to win an iPad Pro or a Document Camera! We'll be choosing 3 lucky teachers to win these awesome prizes!